Sunday, 28 April 2013

Mother's Day

Dear Ozzitarians!

Mother's Day is round the corner, wish your Mum a lovely day with MadOzziee Exclusive Handmade Cards or Quilled gestures. Go to my Facebook Page and use Message tab for further discussion.

Ozziee Hugs :)

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Plagiarism Musings!

Dear Ozzitarians!

I wonder how many of you believe in originality of work and a plagiarism free purchase of art. I find so many pages in Pakistan who are selling so many things to so many buyers. All a happy happy scene and no single person actually realizes how much of the work they have purchased is plagiarized.

What is plagiarism? How would you feel if one day you wake up to know that your name is taken by another person? I suppose not a happy you eh'. 

It is not that i am not in favour of home based industry. Aan Aan! It is how true we are to ourselves and in the work we do. How many artists or craft creators are actually cheating on you by plagiarism, you should find out before putting in on a next order. Pssst! Not many are gonna tell ya. 

P.S. Those fancy pictures with water mark might not necessarily be theirs, there is a thing called, VERIFY. Support those who actually put their soul into it. 

P.P.S.I know many of you will read and not comment. But thats not the point. The point is to be wise and true. Be Pakistani. :)